20th Wedding Anniversary Adopt-a-Day June 22!
Happiest of wishes to Bell board members David Welber and Diane Krasner who are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary on June 22, 2023, by adopting the day at Bell Family Shelter.
Through this loving gesture, Diane and Dave make it possible for the dozens of people in the Shelter today to have a safe place to catch their breath . . . to start making plans . . . and to take action to find suitable housing, adequate income, and connection to resources to be successfully self-sufficient.
Shelter staff is there for parents to help them set goals to get back on solid ground. In the meantime, we make sure they have food to feed their family, a place to rest their heads at night, and a sense of hope and confidence that brighter days are ahead.
Adopt-a-Day gifts cover the cost of operating Bell Family Shelter for a full day. If you’d like to join people like Dave and Diane in making sure the Shelter is open to welcome York County families in time of emergency, consider your own gift of support. You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation. Use our donation page to get started right now.