Being Part of the Solution is Powerful

For this Mental Health Moment, we are taking the time to recognize Gabby, an intern with Bell’s Next Door Program, and the wonderful work she has been doing there.
Alfreda, the Program Coordinator, at Next Door, said, “Gabby is our first Master Level Social Work intern here. She has been involved in tasks that are assigned to her, learned a lot about the services we provide here at Next Door and has helped clients who were homeless to secure stable housing.”

Currently, she is responsible for contacting individuals on the eviction prevention list. These individuals have reached out to Bell hoping to receive help with their past due rent. Upon reflection, Gabby said, “I was able to assist a staff member in finding housing for a client. It was very rewarding to see this client go from being fearful of being homeless, to helping her find an apartment that was safe for her and her kids.”
She continued, “It was exciting to watch the whole process, to see the client go from feeling defeated to hopeful and optimistic.” It is estimated that 30-40 million people in our country are in fear of being evicted from their homes. This is why Bell’s Next Door Program is so important in our community. The program gives people hope instead of fear, stability instead of instability, and most importantly a safe place to call home.
Alfreda said, “I believe that as an intern, you have to put your heart and mind into every task you are given, because not only are you improving your skills, you are headed toward a successful future,” she added, “Even though not all internships are paid, as a former Master Level Social Work intern myself, I always look at an internship as you are paid in experience.”
Talking about her experiences, Gabby said, “Seeing the number of people that have reached out during this pandemic has really shown me how much the pandemic has affected our community. Being able to be a part of the solution has been powerful,” she continued, “I am grateful for this opportunity.”
Alfreda summed it up best when she said, “The only way to do great work, is to love what you do. Going home every day knowing that you helped to prevent an eviction, or helped secure a stable home for a family is rewarding. That is the feeling I want every intern at Next Door to have.”
It is safe to say that Gabby is enjoying her work and making a difference in our community. She is working with the staff at Next Door to secure stable housing for our neighbors in need. She is spreading hope through good work. When asked why she chose Bell, Gabby enthusiastically said, ”I LOVE Bell and what they do for our community.”
Thank you to all of the staff at Next Door for the work that you do each day. Also, thank you Gabby for choosing to do your internship at Bell. We are grateful for having you as part of the Next Door Team, making a positive impact throughout our community together.