Horn Foundation Adopts Family Shelter

It’s GratiTuesday!

Every Tuesday in July has been adopted through a $6,000 grant from the Russell and Eleanor Horn Foundation, a treasured community partner for nearly 20 years.

Financial donations from local family foundations such as this are crucial to meeting the needs of more than 600 homeless mothers, fathers, and children who reside with us at Bell Family Shelter each year, receiving safe emergency housing, nutritious meals, and intensive guidance and counseling.

While the Shelter receives some federal, state, and county funding, half of our annual budget must be met through local contributions, which comes from United Way pledges, businesses, civic and faith-based groups, families, and individual donors.

Are YOU in a position to celebrate the people and milestones in your life by considering a tax-deductible donation to help homeless York County families? Click HERE for more info about Bell’s Adopt-a-Day program.