Introducing to the Bell Board of Directors: Dwayne Jennett

Dwayne Jennett says he feels honored to be selected to sit on the board of directors for Bell, particularly after he attended the agency’s annual celebration this past October. Dwayne was on hand to receive the Business of the Year award as a representative of Apple Subaru, who partnered with Bell to host blanket and sock drives, and with Apple Automotive Group’s presenting sponsorship of Bell’s Big Bed Race in 2022.
Sitting in the audience, Dwayne was moved by the inspiring stories of Bell service users’ personal achievements and the passion and commitment of Bell staff. He later shared on Facebook: “We smiled, we laughed, we cried (warm hearted tears of love, grace and acceptance). To say it was it a wonderful celebration is an understatement! So blessed to have been a small part of the event.”
Since October, Dwayne has taken on a new role with Apple Automotive Group as the general manager of their Your Auto Store location, and is looking to gain both personal and professional growth in the next year. Part of that will be through his participation on Bell’s board where he hopes to gain “a new perspective on serving others.”
While Dwayne enjoys sports, music, movies, and cooking – especially BBQing and smoking meats – he says his biggest joy is his family. His faith is also important to him. He has served in leadership roles at his church for several years and lives by the words, “Love thy neighbor as they self.”