Look Who’s Getting Engaged!

Rita Whitney wasn’t expecting to show up for a Re-Source York (RSY) board of directors meeting at Bell Socialization Services main office on Tuesday and end up with an engagement ring. The relatively new RSY board member was surprised by Bell’s community engagement team with a big sparkly ring (made of soap and provided by Sunrise Soap Company) in recognition of her cheerful and varied involvement with the two organizations.
Over the past few years, Rita has served as a judge for Bell’s annual mental health awareness month art show, and sold Bell art cards and donated art supplies from her (former) downtown shop, Prime Art Supply. She leads yoga classes for Bell’s intellectual disability social recreation program, she coordinated a collaborative effort with Second Chance Development Foundation Cyber Café students and volunteers to create a mural that was installed earlier this year at Bell Family Shelter to honor Adopt-a-Day donors, and spoke at this year’s agency celebration on the theme of working together.
Rita’s involvement with Bell will continue through her service on the RSY board (which supports Bell through quarterly donations), and her role as director of communication and community engagement for the Cultural Alliance of York which funded a grant project for Bell service users to take art classes at Creative York.
Active involvement from community members is instrumental to the enrichment of Bell programs and improving the quality of living for people receiving its services. Thank you, Rita Whitney, for your shining example of community engagement! You are very much appreciated!