October 12 Adopted by Diana & Dan Mohn

Our deepest thanks go out to Diana and Dan Mohn for adopting today, October 12! Diana and Dan adopted this day in honor of their twin sons, Austin and Brandon, who are turning 30 today. “We’re trying to instill in them a sense of paying it forward,” Diana says.
Diana was referred to Bell by fellow donor Damien Lynch, who himself has an Adopt-a-Day coming up this December. Diana was a partner at The Financial Advisory Group for about 38 years, and whenever the topic of corporate giving came up, she always put Bell in the conversation. The Financial Advisory Group also organized a blanket drive for our Next Door program last year just before Diana retired. According to Diana, the idea to adopt a day came from our Director of Community Engagement, Averie Clark. “We were just supporting Bell, and Averie suggested that we designate it as an Adopt-a-Day.”
Dan also recently retired after 20 years of teaching fifth-grade math at Eastern York School District. After 15 years in management, teaching turned out to be a second career for Dan. He spent those years making music and videos to teach all different kinds of math to his students before retiring earlier this year.
Diana and Dan have known each other for 42 years, and they live together with their dog and cat. They love to travel and always have an upcoming trip. They just got back from a trip to Aruba and have a biking trip through Mallorca and Menorca scheduled for next year.
Adopt-a-Day gifts cover the cost of operating Bell Family Shelter for a full day. If you’d like to join people like Diana and Dan in making sure the Shelter is open to welcome York County families in times of emergency, consider your own gift of support. You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation. Use our donation page to get started right now.