Summer Fun
Bell’s intellectual disability residential services staff and residents enjoy picnics and ice cream, and lots of fun field day activities on summer days at John C. Rudy County Park.
Latest Stories
- Celebrating Robin Bentz: A Journey of Dedication, Leadership, and Achievement!
- Celebrating Leadership and Compassion: Luce Aponte Receives the Ivan G. Hileman Award
- Yvette Engel Receives the Ivan G. Hileman Award!
- Fueling Hope: Emergency Meal Kits Thanks to Pepsi Grant
- A Path to Hope: Annelise Vuono’s Mural at Bell Family Shelter
- Transforming Lives Together: Launch Program’s Incredible Teamwork
- Honoring Dedication: Elise Stoner Receives Outstanding Performance Award
- Camp Hebron: A Time for Relaxation, Connection, and Joy
- It’s Time to Gather!