York White Rose Run Recap
At 7:30 AM this past Saturday, September 23, roughly 300 runners jogged the streets of a rainy York, PA to warm up for the run ahead of them. Thirty minutes later, they all took off from the starting line undeterred by the weather – if anything, the mist was described by some as “refreshing.”
The York White Rose Run was a great success! As representatives of Bell, our Community Engagement team greeted the jovial runners as they congregated in White Rose Bar & Grill and saw them off as they embarked on their five-mile excursion. Congratulations and thanks go out to the volunteers and runners for supporting this event, White Rose Bar & Grill for hosting, and the York Road Runners for organizing the event and choosing Bell as its beneficiary! Check out the White Rose Run’s Facebook page for detailed results, and please enjoy a handful of photos from the event captured by our Community Engagement team!