07.07. AAD has Special Meaning

Our warmest thanks go out to Ed O’Brien and Susan Machado, who have generously adopted July 7th at Bell Family Shelter! Today’s not just any day for Ed and Susan; it is actually their 11th wedding anniversary! Ed and Susan met thirty years ago working for the Wolf Organization, where Susan was a salesperson and Ed was one of her customers. They remained fast friends for ten years after, started to date, and the rest is history.
Ed and Susan have been adopting this day for five years, and they have very personal reasons for doing so. Ed and his brother and sister were orphaned at a young age when their parents passed away. They were raised by their grandfather, who was also an orphan, alongside 16 other children in their care. His experience growing up as an orphan inspired Ed to support Bell Family Shelter in keeping families together. He says he was drawn to Bell by its transparency regarding donations. “We know exactly where the money’s going, who it’s going to, and what it is going to be used for.”
Susan is the current Board President at Re-Source York and came to know Bell through her close work with the organization. She recognizes Bell as an important component of the local community and the Family Shelter specifically as an essential service. “The fact that Bell Family Shelter is the only one in York County that accepts complete families, meaning that they allow men in the shelter, is what sets them apart from all the other shelters,” she says.
Ed is still gainfully employed by the Wolf Organization as Executive Vice President of Operations and Safety, and Susan is “joyfully retired” and keeps busy serving at Re-Source York. Susan is interested in restoration and architecture, and Ed enjoys golf, reading, and spending time with Susan.
Adopt-a-Day gifts cover the cost of operating Bell Family Shelter for a full day. If you’d like to join people like Dave and Diane in making sure the Shelter is open to welcome York County families in time of emergency, consider your own gift of support. You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation. Use our donation page to get started right now.