October 19 Adopted by Bob & Judy Lease

October 19 at Bell Family Shelter has been adopted again this year by Dr. Robert, Jr. and Judy Lease! Bob and Judy have known each other for 58 years, and they’ve been married for 57 years today. (Bob has also adopted November 19 for Judy’s birthday, so look out for another post like this next month!)
Bob and Judy have three kids and six grandkids, so they understand the value of family – “camaraderie, getting together, and having a turkey dinner,” in their words. Both of them discovered Bell through their involvement with the Jaycees, Bob as a Jaycee and Judy as a member of the Jaycee Wives. Bob has served on Bell’s Board of Directors on and off nearly since day one as a founding member of the Bell Club, which was the predecessor of Bell Socialization Services. He served in several officer roles, including President and his current role as Assistant Secretary.
Before they retired, Bob and Judy were both teachers, Bob in high school and Judy in elementary. (A few of our other board members were previous students of Bob’s, including past board president Tim Klimchock.) They were both born and raised in York, but they love to travel and have been to all seven continents and all fifty states.
In supporting Bell for all these years, Bob and Judy emphasize the importance of giving back to the community. “It’s a necessity,” Judy says. “We need to take care of people with lesser skills than ours to find places and activities, so it needs to be done. Somebody has to do it.”
Adopt-a-Day gifts cover the cost of operating Bell Family Shelter for a full day. If you’d like to join people like Bob and Judy in making sure the Shelter is open to welcome York County families in times of emergency, consider your own gift of support. You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation. Use our donation page to get started right now.