Building Bridges: Omayra’s Path to Empowerment

Today, we share a heartwarming and inspiring story from Bell’s Bridge Housing Program. Omayra has been in the program for the past eleven months. She commented, “I am so happy to be in this program. It has been a blessing.”
While at LifePath, her caseworker referred Omayra to our Bridge Housing Program. Omayra commented, “The caseworker at LifePath who did the referral for me was nice. She was more hopeful than I was. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I had to have patience.” Omayra’s acceptance into the program marked the start of a fresh chapter.
While in the Bridge Housing Program, families work on various goals. Omayra said, “The main goal I am working on is getting my GED. When I leave the program, I will continue working on it. I know it will be hard, but I want to accomplish this.”
In the Bridge Housing Program, cherished memories are being made. Omayra lovingly remembers a precious milestone, “When we first got here, my youngest hadn’t taken her first steps yet. It was a big deal for us when she started walking here. We have a lot of memories in this apartment.”
“The Bridge Housing Program is great. You cannot take advantage of this program because you do not get a second chance,” Omayra added, “I am so happy I had this chance. My favorite part of the program is the caseworker. She keeps you going and encourages you.”
Shelly, her caseworker, said, “What I am going to say isn’t new to her because I tell her all the time. Omayra has been doing such an amazing job. I have seen a lot of growth in her. She has gotten 75 percent of her goals done. Omayra is great at saving and is working on her GED. I applaud her for her growth. I applaud her for taking the necessary steps. She holds herself accountable and is grateful. It has been an honor and a privilege working with her.”
Thank you, Omayra and Shelly, for sharing with us. Omayra, we are excited as you embark on this next chapter. You are a phenomenal woman with a beautiful family, and your journey is an inspiration to us all.