Showing 1 - 10 out of 117

It’s Giving Tuesday!

Among the hullabaloo of the holiday season’s shopping days – Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday – is a special day, Giving Tuesday, to celebrate all that is being done by community benefit organizations around the globe to make the world a better place. Here in our corner of the world, Bell is […]

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Fathers Needing Shelter

While single mothers with children tend to be the most common makeup of family units we see, Bell Family Shelter program coordinator Patricia Graham has been noticing an increase in the number of single fathers with children who are coming in to the 11-bedroom facility on E. Market Street in York.  As York County’s only […]

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Lifting up families experiencing homelessness is a great reason to donate to and shop at Re-Source York, a Bell partner since 2002.  Funds generated through store sales are donated to Bell on a quarterly basis, designated in support of Bell Family Shelter to help families transition from crisis situations to independent living in the community. Both […]

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A Circle of Compassion

Have you ever heard someone say something and it strikes you like a bolt of lightening? That’s what happened while I was listening to an OnBeing podcast and Father Greg Boyle said, “Imagine a circle of compassion. Now imagine no one is standing outside that circle.” I immediately had to go online to learn more […]

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The Power of One

When you hear the word “philanthropist,” does your mind’s eye conjure up an image of an old person sitting on stacks of gold in their mansion? A savvy business person in a corner office high up in a sky scraper in the city looking for a tax write-off? How about a timid second grader from […]

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Beyond the Program Doors

The annual open house and art show at Bell’s Adult Training Facility (ATF) is a festive event. While many of the individuals who attend the program – all who live with considerable intellectual disabilities – are considered to be “non-verbal,” there’s no denying their ability to communicate joy as visitors arrive. One individual squeals with […]

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Umbrella Collection Sites

Bell’s umbrella of programs provides services for people in our community not just on a rainy day, but Every. Day. All this month we are collecting actual umbrellas to be distributed to service users in all of our service departments.  Having an umbrella on a rainy day can sometimes make all the difference for someone […]

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Support Bell on May 4 through Give Local York

May 4th is Give Local York– a day long celebration of generosity that supports local community benefit organizations in York County! You can use this exciting day to show your support of Bell by making a donation at and selecting Bell Socialization Services from the list of participating non-profits.  Your donation will be processed through the Give […]

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Olympic Gold (again!)

Enjoy this story from our 2014 archives. Kathy Kotzman likes to crochet. She enjoys making baby blankets to give away and recently learned to make booties, too.  Kathy also likes to ice skate. “It makes you feel free,” she says, “You can do anything you want.” That feeling of freedom may be what has led […]

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