And the OPA goes to . . . Elisa Jefferson!

Congratulations to Elisa Jefferson, who recently received an Outstanding Performance Award for her amazing work as a Residential Program Supervisor in Bell’s Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) residential services program.

Elisa Jefferson (center), pictured with Tony Schweitzer, Bell’s executive director, and Rachel Ocasio, IDRS program coordinator
Nominated in multiple categories – Great Team Player, Goes the Extra Mile, & Champion Caregiver – Elisa recently stepped in as a supervisor in one of the IDD community living homes and is already exceeding expectations according to her supervisor, Rachel Ocasio. With a variety of concerns that needed to be addressed in the home, Elisa stepped up and began to make corrections without hesitation. She maintains a clean environment for residents and focuses on ensuring that their health is a top priority.
As the home is severely understaffed (Bell is Now Hiring, btw!), Elisa has been working ALL of the open hours without complaint, providing quality care to the individuals while still managing to learn her role as a supervisor.
Remaining positive through all the challenges that came her way within the past few months, Elisa has excelled, ensuring all of the very important regulation-required paperwork is correct and submitted in a timely manner.
Most importantly, she leans fully into Bell’s mission of providing an environment of support and empowerment where the individuals in the home can improve their quality of living.
Thanks, Elisa!