National Roof Over Your Head Day


Today is National Roof Over Your Head Day! According to National Day Calendar .com, this special day “was created as a day to be thankful for what you have, starting with the roof over your head.”

RSY executive director Fred Cluck (left) went so far as to present the “big check” to Bell’s Tony Schweitzer on a roofing shingle. (Thanks to RSY board member Susan Machado for “writing” the check.)

We couldn’t agree more, especially as we just kicked off a special campaign for our Roof Over Our Families (ROOF) Fund AND our partners at Re-Source York have designated their most recent quarterly donation to be used for the fund! The money raised will help cover unexpected property repair costs for Bell Family Shelter and Bell Bridge Housing, including fixing the roof of the Shelter before cold winter weather sets in.

So, a big THANK YOU to Re-Source York – and everyone who donated to and purchased items at RSY to provide proceeds to donate – and to everyone who donated to the ROOF Fund on Giving Tuesday, giving us a good start toward reaching the big $40,000 goal.

More from the National Day Calendar web site:  “All across our nation, there are many that do not have the things that necessary to everyday life. They may lack a roof over their heads, enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For those who have those bare necessities, it may be insufficient.  National Roof Over Your Head Day is about remembering to appreciate what you have.”

We are certainly grateful for individuals, families, local businesses, civic groups, and other community partners who share their blessings in support of our neighbors in need. If you’re grateful for the roof over your head, please consider a gift to the fund. Simply visit the DONATE page and choose ROOF Fund from the designation drop down box.