Annual Camp Hebron Mental Health Trip

On Wednesday, August 16, a group of approximately 30 service users from Bell’s mental health programs packed up for their annual trip to Camp Hebron. The trip encompassed three days of relaxation and fun, packed with activities such as swimming, basketball, volleyball, paddleboarding, and the crowd favorite, a wagon ride. Despite the typical summer onslaught of bees and mosquitos, the participants spent a lot of quality time with nature and their fellow service users.

Robin Bentz, a service user who’s gone to Camp Hebron with Bell many times, noted a series of chaotic games of Apples to Apples as a highlight of the trip. She also narrated a fun story about a very tired Karen Roland singing along to a musical on her phone – allegedly, a video recording exists of this event, but as of the time of writing, it has not been released.

“The food’s always good, and we hung out with our friends and met other friends,” said service user Mary Deacon, who has been on the trip three times.

“And we didn’t have to walk up the hill to get to the cabin,” Robin chimed in.

“It’s so great to see our service users look like they’re having less stress,” New Beginnings program coordinator Karen Roland said of the event. “Everybody deserves a vacation.”

Once again, the Camp Hebron trip was a major success for all in attendance this year. Please enjoy some images taken across all three days of the trip!